Monday, February 15, 2010

K.Fed back on radar.

Meet K.Fed. For those who don't know, this is Kevin Federline known as Britney Spears' and Shar Jackson's ex. To put it simply, K.Fed pretty much left Shar for Britney, then left Britney for his "rap career". How well did that work out? I've never heard a single track of his album. I'd have to say on my list, K.Fed is pretty much top douche :). Now, K wasn't even on my mind until his beautiful face popped up on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club. K.Feddy weighed in at 232lb. My, Oh My how the mighty have fallen? Naturally, Brit has her breakdown..the whole shaved head incident and I guess K. Feddy packed on the LBz. I'm not going to joke about his weight are you a dancer and let yourself get to that point? I give him his brownie points for admitting that he was lazy when asked.."what happened?" Now, poor ol' Shar Jackson is also on the show struggling with her weight for good reason...but with K. Fed there, will she be able to hold it together? I sure hope so. She deserves to get her life together and she needs to be strong for her child, since we all know K.Fed isn't exactly pulling his weight..*no pun intended. Good luck Shar! My best wishes! XOXO S♥

Check out. Lose Control by K.Feddy
Can you take him seriously? I can't.

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